Sunday, January 5, 2020
Statement of Philosophies of Teaching and Learning Essay
Statement of Philosophies of Teaching and Learning Teaching is about preparing an individual to survive in the world around them. In an educational institution, not only are you relaying information of a certain content area to a student as a teacher, but also you are showing this individual how to learn, listen, cooperate, and be responsible. Concepts that are foreign and unknown must be made familiar, from the ancient civilizations to working in groups with people unlike you. Preparing students with this kind of knowledge allows them to successfully undertake the demands of higher education or any career. Cooperation is especially essential to our ever-changing world where national and cultural boundaries are being†¦show more content†¦Learning is an interactive process. In order to actually absorb the information in a classroom, students must be actively engaged in committing that knowledge to their memory and knowing how it connects to their own life. Teachers need to bend to this need for interaction by using various te aching techniques in the classroom and encouraging their students to involve themselves in the material. Motivating the students to read, write, and think about the subject on their own or in the classroom setting is key. With every reading assignment, the teacher needs to follow up with class discussion or a writing exercise that allows the students to digest the material and master the concepts. If the teacher does not follow up on a reading assignment or even with material presented in class in this way, then students might be able to passively read or listen and not truly learn. Learning has to be a two-sided, give and take relationship that occurs in a healthy classroom environment. The teacher must also be approachable in order to open up these lines of communication. The best teachers are those who have their students intrinsically motivated after extrinsically demanding success from them. Being available both during and after class time is essential to reachingShow MoreRelatedPhilosophy Of Education, Teaching And Learning Statement1915 Words  | 8 PagesPART I: PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION, TEACHING AND LEARNING STATEMENT As a teacher one looks forward to the beginning and the end of a school year. The beginning of a school year brings in new minds and attitudes that a teacher can influence and educate. Students also bring with them new ideas and knowledge that a teacher can use to work with them. 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